Dear visitor , welcome to my photo page
On this website you will find an interest of mine which has kept me busy over the last sixty years. Please visit the other pages to read something about myself and of course to see the small collection of photographs (portfolio) I have taken over the last years. As long as I've been shooting, all subjects in photography have had my attention. Of course, landscape (nature) and architecture (cities) photography are at the top of the list.
A brief explanation of the layout of my website.
Landscapes with nature are everywhere and in every season. Close to home such as the Broekpolder (I call it my backyard) but also further away in and outside the Netherlands. Two islands, a Dutch (Vlieland (*)) and a Greek (Kefalonia (*)) island have had my special attention for a long time. In addition, the Netherlands has many fantastic areas.
Different towns and villages, often with fantastic and special architecture, are wonderful to visit and photograph. On my website also a separate chapter of two of my favorite cities called Rotterdam and Toledo (Spain)
Photographing people should of course not be missed. I am always looking for people in an unusual environment or when they find themselves in an unusual situation. For many years I have photographed at music and art festivals and met and talked to and eventually photographed wonderful people.
The World Championships Living Statues (*) and the Fantasy events (*) were places where you could show yourself as a human being just like anyone else, in contrast to the Redhead (*) days where you can be proud of who you are and how you looked like.
All events were paradises for a photographer. People are my passion
(*) Portfolio chapters
I always feel most comfortable when I'm out alone with my camera. Only then is it possible to fully concentrate or focus on the subject. Because this is where it always starts.
Please don’t hesitate to email me if you want to use my photos. If necessary I can deliver a high resolution copy.    Open the door (be carefull) and enjoy !       
Cees Roele , Photographer
MY PASSION has never been for photography “in itself” but for the possibility – through forgetting yourself – of recording in a fraction of a second the emotion of the subject, and the beauty of the form; that is, a geometry awakened by what’s offered.